In the article ''Is Google Making Us Stupid?'' by Nicholas Carr the author claims that if the engine ''google'' is some thing intelligent to use or it just our ability to find a lot of information quickly. To begin with a brain scientist have discovered that when our minds are calm and attentive the greater our concentration is the more richer our thoughts are. If we distracted we remember less,we understand less and learn less. Additionally the net bombards us with messages and other different data every one of those interruptions break our train of thoughts. we end up with a lack of connected thoughts. The true is that we never think deeply if we always googling,texting or surfing. Finally google doesn't slow us down in contrary the more we use google the more money its making. The more ads google is showing us the more it gain.As google give us all the information it a negative way to help to develop our mind we have to turn off our cell phones and computers to really start thinking. We can google everything we want but the true is that to be some one very brilliance not even gooling will help you.
One idea in the passage that i thought that is very significant is when the author states that ''If we get distracted, we understand less, remember less and learn less''. I agree with this because if you doing something and suddenly you have a call or message you stop doing what your doing and pay more attention to what have you receive or to who is calling. You forget or don't pay any more attention to what your was doing. I can relate this with me because there sometimes or most of the times that I'm doing homework and if i receive a message i answer back and start texting and don't concentrate doing homework anymore some times i even stop and leave it a side. Also while getting distracted we end up doing the things wrong or for example we don't pay attention to the directions
I have to write more and give more supporting details and have a conclusion